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It Isn't Just Me With The Ever-Buzzing Mind

What do I do to discipline myself? the internet offers thousands of suggestions, and I believe that I have sampled them all. There must be purpose to this age of over-saturation. It must exist to prove something. We must exist within it to have that something proven to us.

We've become far too distractible. It isn't just me with the ever-buzzing mind. We're all ever-buzzing, and our collective noise is making it difficult for any of us to hear.

We hear one-another alright, that is. But, we no longer do so in the right way. When was the last time that we did so in the right way?

Who is it that we allow to speak through us these days?

It's not God, is it, for the most of us? Not for the atheistic, not for the agnostic, not for the religious. There are only a few exceptions within each of those categories.

What should I do to discipline myself?

What is all the buzzing to convince me of?

To Whom do I turn to steady the noise?


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